Monday, July 06, 2020
Enlightened Legacies... strength, resolve, and an extra dose of kindness
The Age of Technology ought beget broader viewpoints on all sides. Long haul journeys require wit and mettle, charisma and resolve; there are no sovereign models to emulate in this multilingual city state of religious understanding and cultural synergy. In all its iterations, the islanders who have come to call this land home are no slack-jowled idealists. We grew up caring enough to pull our neighbours kids along for skills tutoring and meals, car-pooled and shopped wet markets together, shared tales of weal and woe in each other’s homes, worked through shared candles during power outages and took care of each other’s chores... never forget that it is this heart of camaraderie, this essence of gotong royong that allowed our little red dot to harbour all through this current calamity of Covid’19. If anything, this be the time to share innovation, cherish informed viewpoints, marry solutions and most importantly work to reunite our neighbourhoods. Many have put in too much... we owe it to them, to ourselves, and those who come after, to get our act together... this island was and should continue to be the bedrock of shared relief, just as sailors had once scrambled onto land, having braved the arduous voyage and harsh seas, united by a common code to do better by their fellow man, and strove to grow what scarce resource we shared. Let the unifying trait hark back to one of industriousness and the code of stewardship. To tend and nurture, to bolster and grow. For this is our shared home. Look to nature, if in need of insight, the geese and flocks of birds oft remind us, we all need to lead at times, and at times, simply allow others to do so, while keeping pace, ever ready to helm when need beckons.
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