Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Just keep swimming…

“Nature calls, what’s your answer… daily green escapes have become a meditative journey in introspection and fitness; do what you gotta do… 🦦 just you, do you… breathe and let go… sometimes you just gotta stop and appreciate the flowers, lay upon the grass fields and bask on the beaches… look up and around you, or get down and lay your head upon the lawn; wait, stay a while and be in the moment, there’s an epiphany awaiting…”

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Moments in Time, Be Fleeting

A visual recap… 

…reinforcing that perhaps providence has us exactly where we are meant to be… with a little boost from fitness apps and wearable technology with GPS geocaching that had us all traipsing about to battle cabin fever in a time of global pandemic with differentiated management measures. From quick mobile phone snaps while running and cycling, to eventually deciding to get back to photography as a creative outlet, the journey was inevitable… Through the candid shots of poetry in motion, nature and wildlife, I appreciate that the life events that happen to us, and the people and creatures we meet on our adventures, are perhaps meant to be… however, it’s ever up to us to treasure the moment, to harness the exchange, be it to trigger reflection or action…

Sunday, July 04, 2021

Brain on the storm, in the morn…

“Growing old and growing up are not quite the same thing, eh kiddo! However things go, never lose yer sense of wonder, and keenness to create… nor the sensibility of laughter! Keep the faith, there’s always the silver lining, you’ll see, or the lesson… either way, it’s quite the emotional roller coaster of a ride; you’ll unlock perspectives you’d never fathom, and brave storms you’d never be able to dream up nightmares for, but you’ll always stand, as both protagonist and antagonist in the tale… be it one of parable, caution or inspiration… there’s always a choice to your actions, my young friend, and the magic of it all, is that we’re always still young… with the capacity to grow….”

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Adventure awaits

An adventurous life is lived with learnings from misadventures and mistakes; while making better judgements with each experience. We set off not to be correct but to be willing to be corrected so we may better help those around us. However, one must first help them-self. Often, each are meant to learn on their own time, so every situation provides differing challenge and learnings for the party and fellowship that travel together. We sometimes need to step up, and at times need to be ready to support, yet at times must simply watch or provide wise counsel (gleaned from prior engagements). Knowing when is a calculated gamble at best. Sometimes we get it right and all works out. Sometimes we get it wrong, and all still works out. Because it’s never simply about us... life has a lesson for each in the team! Even the experience of failure may bring a stroke of inspiration; and yet sometimes success may bring acrimony; it’s all about the mindset and kindness one brings into the tasks one undertakes. Positivity aligns well with the macroperspective; for the enterprising spirit always adapts to thrive 🦾

Monday, March 08, 2021

We live, we learn

God's been here from the start, He provides the wind behind our sails... aye, we be simple sailors riding the storm, with our wits and skills; our learnings from misadventures survived, serve best to educate future sailors, and through oral tradition and sea shanties, we, in turn, find closure...

Thursday, January 14, 2021

What dreams may come!

 “...the blessing of being able to bless others with strength, support and counsel, upon the roads we wander, means we leave a better culture wherever we are blessed to tread. Be honest and open, and trust that that which the winds accelerate us towards or tides bring us to... may time prove to be merely a daunting fireplace tale, perhaps but one of many more, of trials triumphed! Take heart!”