Thursday, January 16, 2020

Growing up, growing older... feeling younger 💪

To each his own.. impart skills, equip values, and above all, allow self expression... we've all got but one unique life, it's our penultimate call to decide whether to traisp, meander, saunter, sprint or crawl... we're not going to regret living with purpose, however odd the purpose, but we're going to be sore about  not finding a semblence of a higher purpose... be kind to all we meet, for they are working on being better versions of themselves, some just dont know it yet, but they will, trust me, it's not worth sweating over the small stuff, and the secret's out, it's mostly small stuff... so think big, open up yer hearts and love, live! You owe it to yourself, and the people  whose lives will yet be transformed by your efforts upon the adventure that is YOUR life!!! In turn, be they inspired, influenced, guided, repelled, convicted in shared or opposing beliefs, its not ours to bemoan nor begrudge... If there's anything we can or must... just be... NICE, ALWAYS!!!

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