Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Life throws many challenges, but if we miss opportunities simply because of comfort and convenience, we would undoubtedly be poorer for it

Seeing a surge in masked students congregating at sports facilities, asking to sit out of sports and training. Please, if one is unwell, do ensure separation from others, especially when coughing, sneezing and wheezing. However, it seems like a learned response, that the ill immediately cough and clear their throats in our general direction, as if to prove they are genuinely unwell, whenever we staff approach them to enquire on their well-being or even to converse.

Gentle reminder to students, not to come in for community sports session when ill (flu, fever, cough), though if you must come in to observe the session, it is a then a civic responsibility, especially during these trying times, to be considerate of those with vulnerable family members, namely, the aged and the young, whose immunity may not survive a strong viral infection. Never thought I'd say it, but thank you all for your attention to personal hygiene and kind cooperation, as we do our utmost to carry on with life at large, with an eye for personal accountability, and prudence. Mask up, maintain separation, while avoiding cross contamination of items and equipment.

Advocate eating, sleeping and hydrating well, balance your diet with adequate fruits and vitamins, so as to ensure a stronger immune system, and more critically be disciplined in getting routine exercise. In a time of workaholic-ism, this may even be a stoic reminder and excellent time to advocate nutritional needs and self-care. Take care all, rest where possible, for the longer academic and life journey ahead with Sports & Wellness, my friends!

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