It was archery that showed me true strength did not come from the ability of a physically weak kid to pull a 24# wooden recurve bow. But rather the will to want to become an asset to those around me, by becoming a better person by straining and growing under the effort to endeavour... little by little we are encouraged to go further, for small successes and the intrinsic celebration of milestones, do bolster confidence. Let the young people make their decisions and mistakes, defend their own causes, for them to experience the toil and necessary growth that will in turn bolster their communities. From that, we in turn, will be fulfilled.
We know the hearts of our kids, we know they are good kids at heart. We know that their journeys will see them come into their own; and we have to take courage to watch them fly. Believe that God has a purpose for all, and that each person has their own journey of discovery to embark on, with just the right amount of time, not more, and never less!
...resourcefulness is discovered, not taught. If we want it, determined to seek, we will sleuth and solve. The question is how determined we are, and how critical the need! I do not teach my students or kids to be sportmen, those I synergise with, toil with me to simply provide opportunity for the youth to become better versions of yourselves, that all may in turn build up our communities. All we ask is faith and positivity, that there will be better days ahead, tough days too, but the better ones will be worth the trouble and toil.
For through toil and strain, we grow to be stronger yet of body, spirit and mind! I am blessed to have been given the chance to learn and compete in archery at 14, from being a timid, weak, self-conscious, introverted kid, unable to handle a 24# basic wooden bow then, to standing upon sporting arenas in multiple roles and capacities; we know the chapter in life for the youth is unique in many ways, but we allude that positivity and solutions focus - with community and critical mass backing the battering ram - will open doors to opportunities, inaccessible to solo strife alone.
It is still often observed that it takes a village to raise a child; for not all parents are equipped with the resources to guide their own, but the wisdom of the village at large will always see hearts, hands, and minds step up to assist in the needs of the growing young minds, who seek, strive, and endeavour to never yield in the face of adversity.
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