Saturday, December 27, 2008

Brudders in arms... and celebrations!

Tis amazing that just about this time, a decade and a year ago, we found ourselves wondering upon new directions and crossroads, having just graduated from highschool. Some with dreams in the head, yet others with goals firm in the heart. A chapter closed on the carefree days of youth, with chapters of much anticipated high-adventure, eagerly awaited, with breaths abated, looming around the bend.

Yet now, many chapters and a whole new sequel later, still to the tune of high adventure, we now pull forth livid dreams from fluffy clouds as we fly by the seat of our pants, with sparkling new characters in our tale, in tow. Yes, the eccentric 3 musketeers-brothers-kakis have now settled down, wedded off to spirited princesses, who could give one due distress if not handled with utmost care and love and all that jazz ;)

Elvin big day's today, Big Jon's a month ago. Seems like only yesterday, they were clinking glasses and offering hearty toasts at mine. Yes, I'm still baskin in the sweet afterglow of wedded bliss, 8 steadfast years with my significant better, and ever beautiful wifey, does fly by in the blink of an eye. We're now blessed with our own little bundle of curious joy, baby Seraphina, who will no doubt spin her own epic tales of daring-do, laugh, cry, dust herself off after a fall, break some hearts, and have hers wounded and mended, all in due time.

Such is the wonder of life... So cheers to all and may the music play on... The adventure truly begins now, as we embark on yet another chapter of our neverending story...

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