Saturday, January 08, 2011

Bad Parents Club aka Operation: Seraphim II Redux

Eyes downcast, we crossed the threshold, forever entombed into the hall of infamy, vilified by the burning glares of furtive, aching, helpless eyes. Eyes that bore through to the soul, eyes that flickered from empathy to blame, eyes that knew hurt, well and the same. Awkwardly wrenched from the cover of the night, flooded by light; queue number accorded, we had entered the bad parent’s club.

It was 10:15pm, we were at Kandan Kerbau Children’s Hospital, Accident and Emergency Department; it was not where any of us should be. This was Operation Seraphim II: Redux...

Lil phimmy had taken birthday bash a Lil too seriously; in a fit of excitement, he had yet again demonstrated his superb althetic ability, in a springing faceplant off the patio, unto the grille of a rusty draincover, amidst a horified and slack-jawed family, and a most traumatised grandfather. 8th Jan tis just such a gruelling date for him... first e umbilical strangling at birth, and now an unexpected fall, his new codename's Rudolph... a year older, yet another more resilient, we pray ;)

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