Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Decision Points - Life with Kids

Lesson #1 - Entrusted with a Mission: After the little dude realised that he had misplaced his water bottle at the prior crowded train station's gantry... he pulls my arm and looks intently into my eyes, "Daddy, you go back and find my bottle, ok? We go back with mummy first." ...Man, did I feel like I was living Mission Impossible XVII... at once empowered, yet intimidated, for it was a mission I could not afford to fail... Indeed a requiem of the random food craving runs for the pregnant missus years ago.

Lesson #2 - Child Labour: In an attempt to dissuade the kids from requesting for more electronic distractions, I explained to them that most good apps for the iPad cost a pretty penny. Without missing a beat, the boy swung about towards me and remarked, "Daddy, in my bag, I have money!" I dismissed him promptly, by sharing that the meager savings he puts together are for food and occasional presents. The money for sports activities, toys, games and indulgences comes instead from my salaried hard work. He smiles knowingly and shakes his head at me, retorting, "I also have money from school! My teacher says children work too, we work very hard at school, so have money! Can we have the game please?" Lost for words, was I...

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